Could you possibly be saving money on your auto insurance premiums? The answer is yes! You could be saving money! Premiums can vary by hundreds of dollars depending on a number of factors. Whether you’re at renewal time, or just want to shop around, make sure you ask about these discounts to see if you could qualify for them.

  • Good student discount
  • Multi-Policy Coverage
  • Multi-Car Coverage
  • Paid In Full
  • Paperless Billing
  • Anti-Theft
  • Senior Driver Course
  • Snapshot Device

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There are a ton of discounts available to potentially save hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy. Take out the work of shopping around for multiple rates and discounts by having an agent at HomeTown Insurance do the hard work for you. We can shop through many insurance carriers and offer you the best discounts to keep you insured at a great price. Here at HomeTown Insurance, your insurance agent is local and just a phone call or email away. There are no phone trees or automatic response answers here.

Are you wondering if you’re available for discounts? Or if HomeTown Insurance can quote you better rates? Contact us to receive a free, no strings attached quote, and see how easy it is to have your insurance all in one spot at a great rate!